Thursday, June 20, 2013

Baseball Etiquette

Hello! My name is Jake Nordstrom, and welcome to my new blog on the Basics of Baseball. Today, I will be discussing team etiquette. I will explain when and where you should have good etiquette while at the field.  There are lots of parts to this subject, so I have broken each section down so you can see where YOU fit in.
Hope you Enjoy!

  • When you are in the dugout, you need to keep your energy up throughout the game.
  • Have “good spirit” at all times.
  • Don’t ever sit on the bench.
  • Stay on the fence at all times.
  • Encourage each player up at bat.
  • Let them know you are there for them.
If your team is losing, don't be one of the kids that sits on the bench and eats a hotdog or Doritos while your team gets the last three outs. Be the kid to get the others OFF the bench and onto the fence. The Red Sox had a world series where they were down by 9 runs in the last inning, and won. Especially in Little League, ANYTHING can happen!
When out in the field, support your pitcher and the other players in the field. Don’t say anything bad about players on your team, or the other team. If a teammate makes a bad play or gets a bad hit, then make positive comments. If he bobbles the ball, instead of saying that he SHOULD  have gotten it, say, “You WILL get it next time.
If you make a mistake on the field, make sure not to hang your head. There is a curse in baseball that if you make a mistake, in the same game, you will get a chance to correct it.
I know this from PLENTY of experience.
Coaches and Parents
In Little League, it is important to remember that your coaches are just parents that volunteered because they love baseball and want to be involved with something special with their kids. It is important for you to respect your coach, whether they make good or bad decisions.
It is important to let the coach know that you are motivated to try new positions, especially in practice. If during a game, the coach decides to play you in a position that is not your favorite, it is important to respect their decision and do your best with what you have. If the coach decides that you are sitting out for an inning or two, take this as an opportunity to stay on the fence and be an encourager to your other teammates.
Be ready to go onto the field at any time, but also be ready to give the players coming off the field the equipment they need for the next inning. For example, the center fielder, first baseman and the right or left fielder (depending on what dugout you are in) need a ball for warm ups the next inning.

Remember to say "Thank You, Coach" every once in a while.
These parents are taking time off work to help YOU in baseball.

If a coach makes a negative comment about your performance that hurts your feelings, discuss the issue with your parents and make a plan on how to deal with the situation. DO NOT DISCUSS THIS WITH YOUR TEAMMATES. If the problem(s) continues, make a plan with your parents to sit down with the coach after a game or practice, and ask what he feels you can do to improve the situation.
The coaches are volunteer parents. They are not professional baseball coaches that are hired to teach children. Sometimes you need to have patience with the process.
Without THEIR help, there would be no Little League. BE GRATEFUL!
On-Field and In-Dugout Cleanup
If you have just had a practice or a game, it is important to drag the field (or prep the dirt) with your team to make sure that the next team doesn't have to do it for you. Also, after a game, there is often a lot of trash left over in the dugouts. If you can, pick up as much garbage as you can, even if it is not yours.
It shows great pride in your team and your dugout.
Your Commitment
It is your responsibility to keep track of your baseball schedule. Not Mom or Dad’s. Keep your schedule on either a calendar or phone that you look at and check every day. YOU- make sure you have arrangements made, so you can be to every practice and every game on time.
If you can't make one of them, try to tell the coach in advanced so he will not be making last minute changes to the line up. If practice starts at 3:00pm, you will be expected to be on the field, fully geared up, in uniform... at 3:00pm. You should always plan on being a little early. If you do get there right on time, run, hustle, and get to your position quickly to respect your team and coaches.
“The Other Team” Etiquette
It is ok to tell the other players that they have done a great job, while still being competitive. Simple comments like, "nice hit" or "nice try" make for a great competitve and friendly game. If someone hits a home run on the other team, it always is great to give them the ball while congratulating them AND their parents.

If YOUR team hits a home run, it is bad etiquette to go to home plate and do something uncalled for like showing off to the other team. This shows disrespect to the other team and makes you and your team, look bad. There is nothing wrong with coming out to the plate cheering, and welcoming your teammate home with yells and pats on the back and helmet.
Be excited, but just try not to get carried away.
Parents- This One Is For You!
It is important for you to not only show up to the games, but to cheer for the team and make POSITIVE comments. Oohs and ahhs are ok, but negative comments should be kept behind your lips. It is always great to hear a compliment about how great your son did after getting a great hit, from other parents or team members. There is nothing better than hearing parents cheer for you, after making an outstanding play in the field.
When sitting in the stands, YOU have a responsibility to your team.
A little momentum goes a long way in baseball. Take our last TOC game.
We were down by 2 in the last inning. The crowd never gave up on us. They stood. They cheered. They chanted. They roared. First a single, then a walk, then a perfect bunt, and finally the walk off double with bases loaded to win the game.

The crowd is just as important as any of the coaches, umpires, or players.
Engage and help your team by dressing up with team colors,
getting a rally going, and cheering your brains out!
This is baseball.
Red, White, and Blue.
Hot Dogs, Apple Pie...Baseball. 
It is so easy to be passionate about...BASEBALL.
Join me for my next blog on July 4th for a special session on
Pregame National Anthem Etiquette. 
Thank You!
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Special thanks to Jake Carrillo, owner of my Slider's Team and my Pop, for teaching me the basics of good etiquette in baseball!